Reflect and journal: Write a two-sentence answer to the following questions
Who am I?
What does your answer reveal about what you value?
In what areas of my life am I most prone to self-rejection?
Do you want to feel a peace of mind and joy and happiness that is not dependent on how other people view or feel about you?
How can this become possible for me?
Is it OK for me to be happy and fulfilled?
Why is it OK for me to be happy and fulfilled?
Is this important and why?
Make a list of all your fears in every domain of your life?
Write about conflicting beliefs?
I’m not good enough?
I am afraid to succumb to praise?
It is conceited to accept praise?
It isn’t ok to feel too good about what I accomplish?
I can’t feel too good about what I accomplish?
Write my spiritual autobiography?
What are my first memories of G-d?
What is my concept of G-d?
Who influenced it?