Now I speak the word
God is Infinite Life. God is Boundless Love. God is Infinite Intelligence.
God is Unfathomable Wisdom. God is Unspeakable Beauty.
God is Unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. God is the Soul of man.
I am the image and likeness of God, and I have the power of the Word.
When I speak the Word, it goes forth and cannot return void.
It accomplishes the thing whereunto I send it.
That word goes forth charged with the power of God.
Now I speak the Word. I invoke the power of the Healing God,
and I say that the full power of God is now awakened in me,
filling my soul with peace and life and joy.
God is Light, and that Light fills my soul.
Now is the accepted time
God’s time for my demonstration is NOW
The time God wants me to be healed is NOW
The time God wants me to be prosperous is NOW
The time God wants love in my life is NOW
The time God wants me to raise my consciousness is NOW
The time God wants me to be in my True Place is NOW
There is nothing to wait for except the change of my own consciousness